Mythic Fortnite Ember Pot + Redragon Pelops Headset
Every ember submitted will go into a draw for the Redragon Pelops Wireless Headset. Should the total Embers count reach 5000, the Mythic Fortnite prize pool will be increased by R1,000!
Top Spenders
- SPOOKYXQ1860 Embers
- TRY.BN7XGOAT735 Embers
- Lucian611654 Embers
- TSUNAMI.585 Embers
- toastyyyyy495 Embers
- Savageleopard321485 Embers
- Reapsii480 Embers
- CS BLACK385 Embers
- muwy_patel370 Embers
- Best Bun355 Embers