#3Teams1City Cape Town City FC XB Q3
- 14:4125 JulDarth Mayhem+15 Elo1FinishedVS0LoftyCarp2513-23 Elo#
- 14:0025 JulLoftyCarp2513+23 Elo1FinishedVS0Xtr6969-23 Elo#
- 14:0025 Juldiegostevens-26 Elo0FinishedVS0Ole's at the wheel+26 Elo#
- 14:0025 Jullcsteyn_-21 Elo0FinishedVS1CGeorge97+21 Elo#
- 14:0025 JulMbalenhle004-23 Elo0FinishedVS1Dmothabeng16+23 Elo#
- 14:3825 JulCGeorge97+26 Elo1FinishedVS0Dmothabeng16-26 Elo#
- 16:1425 JulOle's at the wheel+27 Elo1FinishedVS0Dmothabeng16-27 Elo#
- 16:1425 JulDarth Mayhem+15 Elo1FinishedVS0CGeorge97-23 Elo#
- 15:3925 JulDarth Mayhem+13 Elo1FinishedVS0Ole's at the wheel-20 Elo#